The Sacred Journey is an inward journey of self-discovery and is a beautiful process of remembering, releasing, awakening & igniting!
Creating & cultivating deeper
relationships with every part of you
Conscious ~ Subconscious ~ Unconscious
How do we begin, Where do we start?? Begin From Within Together, We create an open heart intentional seed, to assist you in nurturing your shift & new beginning. Our session, will plant this seed into your soul soil, Nurture and provide it the love, caring and support it needs. You’ll be given ideas, concepts, inspiration in our session which will assist you in further creating shifts as you walk your path You Are The Journey
It is from my heart, I work with my clients as I learn and grow as do they, I assist my clients in creating shifts in their lives and building new beautiful foundations.
My open heart intention is to assist my clients as they walk their path, helping them to step forward and shine their light
Are you ready to make shifts in your life?
Energy Transformation Specialist & Guide for Spiritual Journeys
Hypnotist - Reiki & Energy Worker - Shamanic Practitioner - Sound Infusionist

My Journey
My Story in this journey began for me on a day I experienced my first impromptu hypnosis session. I was assisting great friends of mine in getting their business up and going and while we were setting up, I burst out in tears and could not explain why. Sondra assisted me with hypnosis to bring forth the awareness.
My dad, One of the biggest inspirations, teachers in my life had passed years before and I never had the chance to share the words from my heart nor goodbye.
In my session, I was able to free the thoughts, guilt, feelings, emotions that I had locked away for so long and that session opened the whole world and new beginnings for me.
If Hypnosis can do this for me, How can I help others?!?
My path of awakening thus begins. In 2014, Hypnosis became my foundational healing modality and will continue to be as it's one of the most powerful shifts to help one create the changes they seek. In 2016, I began to connect into the worlds of energy healing, Reiki, crystals, sound healing and began working with clients and exploring more. In 2018, I begin learning and flowing in the world of shamanic healing, mediumship, the power of the moon as well as astrology. I am always learning, growing and expanding.
My passion is helping each person to understand themselves a little as well as helping them to discover who they are, and who they are becoming and assist them in shining their light even bright - being who they are!
It is my belief, in which we all help each other rise. As we share what we learn with others they in turn will share as they learn. I’m inspired and share from my heart to help others grow, expand and embrace the fullness of who they are.
You are your greatest mystery, and every day is an opportunity to embrace and discover the power that is you.
Here’s to new beautiful beginnings and discovering they power of you.
~You are the Journey~
Soul Integration & Healing
Together we bring home the parts of you, allow them to come into a place of understanding, compassion & healing
Balance & Inner Harmony
Creating Empowering Shifts along your path, as we shift and create new Ideas and concepts, your outter world shifts
As Above, So Below
Deeper Understanding into the heart of you
You are more than who you know, you are the sun, the moon & the stars and possibly your greatest mystery- Together we’ll explore more into the world of becoming.
Higher Self & Soul Connections
Together, we will connect into beautiful places of wisdom, guidance and clarity

We are firm believers that each of us holds the power to make changes and transitions in our own journey. Our aim is to support you in making the shifts you are prepared to embark upon in your path.

Welcome to our space filled with love, magic & wonder!
In our shop you, we bring you a beautiful selection of items to assist you in where you are as you walk your path.
We have a variety of stones, Incense , cleansing herbs, energy cleansing spritz intentional candles, custom made jewelry, painting by local artisans, Books to help us learn and grow.
We are brick and mortar space, an online shop & you can come visit us at Metaphysical & Holistic Events!